Amber Tippett


Sponsorship Goal: $5,000.00

Mileage Goal: 250

Current Amount Raised: $100.00 + $0.00 per mile

Christian Encounter Ranch is a crossroads kind of place, where one road leads to a dead end; a continuation of bad choices, unhealthy relationships, substance abuse, and unresolved trauma. The other road leads to life, health, community, and contribution to society.
This fundraiser makes that second road a possibility, and it is so much more! It is a 24 hour symbol to the teens at the Ranch that they are worth sacrificing for and that they are worthy to be loved. That is the foundation upon which they can rebuild their lives.
Thank you for your support!!
Much Love to you, Amber

To make a pledge to support Amber now, click the Sponsor Amber button.

Amber's Previous Rides

8 rides, 1,310 miles ridden, $17,062.60 raised

  • 2023: 212 miles, $3,639.00 raised

  • 2022: 38 miles, $2,103.00 raised

  • 2020: 160 miles (virtual), $3,963.00 raised

  • 2011: 12 miles, $1,567.00 raised

  • 2010: 108 miles, $616.00 raised

  • 2009: 224 miles, $1,762.50 raised

  • 2008: 306 miles, $2,070.85 raised

  • 2007: 250 miles, $1,341.25 raised

Amber's Sponsors

Amber's Messages